Layering Moment

I saw this pin the other day and stopped to pause for a moment...

It actually kind of reminds me of the little space in between the two windows in my living room...

You might think that just because it's not a focal point it doesn't need much effort to style it nicely, and maybe that's true, but when I see the opportunity to make something more than it is, I jump at the chance!

Notice how they've layered a small cabinet under a table with a basket underneath- how fantastic! I'm loving the mix too...the fancier venetian style mirror with more laid back toile curtains, dressed up inlaid wood table with natural woven's fantastic!

I also took the opportunity in my home to layer a dim dead-end of a back hallway into my own little granny-chic fantasy moment...

I urge you to take a little time this weekend to create your own layered moment somewhere special in your home! All the better if it's just for your eyes only!
